Quantum Composers' 4-Channel 9520 Series Digital Delay Pulse Generator has been featured in the application paper titled: "Surface elemental microanalysis with submicron lateral resolution by the laserablation laser-induced fluorescence technique," from South China University of Technology! The 9524 Pulse Generator is used to control the time delay between an LIF laser pulse and the ablation laser pulse. Read more below:
"Abstract: In order to realize surface elemental microanalysis of solid samples with submicron lateral resolution, laser-ablation (LA) combined with high sensitive laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection was investigated. A 532 nm or 266 nm nanosecond laser pulse with low pulse energy was used to realize submicron laser-ablation on the surface of a copper alloy, and LIF technique was used to sensitively detect a minor lead element in the ablated samples. ~344 nm and ~267 nm lateral resolutions could be achieved experimentally under 532 nm and 266 nm laser ablations under the current experimental condition, respectively. This demonstrated the feasibility of using a LA-LIF technique for surface elemental microanalysis of solid samples with submicron spatial resolution. The potentials of continually improving the spatial resolution of this technique to nanoscale were discussed. © 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement OCIS codes: (300.2530) Fluorescence, laser-induced; (300.6365) Spectroscopy, laser induced breakdown; (180.2520) Fluorescence microscopy..." "...The LIF laser was generated by a tunable home-made dye laser system followed with a second harmonic generation (SHG) which was described in detail elsewhere [35]. The LIF laser was focused on to the tiny plasma produced by the ablation laser with a plano-convex lens L1 (quartz, f = 150 mm). The wavelength was tuned to the resonant wavelength of lead at 283.31 nm. The propagation direction of the LIF laser beam was parallel to the sample surface. The focal spot was located just in front of the sample surface and the distance from the focal spot to sample surface must be carefully adjusted to avoid sample ablation by the LIF laser. This could be identified by observing if the atomic emission from sample atoms appeared when the ablation laser was blocked. The time delay between the LIF laser pulse Vol. 26, No. 11 | 28 May 2018 | OPTICS EXPRESS 14692 and the ablation laser pulse was controlled by a four-channel pulse delay generator (Quantum Composers, 9520)..."
Read Full Paper Here: https://www.osapublishing.org/DirectPDFAccess/FB01C632-D1B1-3C6D-8E9A5A65B8F178EC_389937/oe-26-11-14689.pdf?da=1&id=389937&seq=0&mobile=no
Learn More About Our 9520 Series Pulse Generator Here: https://www.quantumcomposers.com/pulse-delay-generator-9520