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Pulse Generator Applications

For Timing and Synchronization

Quantum Composers offers a diverse family of pulse generators, or pattern generators, test equipment used to produce pulses, or rectangular waves, at an adjustable repetition rate, pulse width, amplitude, polarity, rise time and delay. With a wide range of applications, what’s the right fit for yours? Contact us to discuss your needs or read on to learn which pulse generators were used in peers’ experiments.

Our customers are conducting prominent research in a wide range of areas today.

To spotlight a few:

Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

This rapid chemical analysis technology uses a short laser pulse to create high-temperature plasma on the surface of a sample, which emits light with discrete spectral peaks that can be analyzed for chemical composition.  LIBS is being used in dating and material analysis.

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Industrial & Aerospace

Industrial use of precision timing advances business and consumer photonics while 3D imaging allows optics to expand applications for automation and process manufacturing.

Avionics Engineering

Quantum & Laser Physics

The interdisciplinary study of optics, atomic and molecular physics, quantum and materials science. Quantum Composers is heavily involved in science that advances our understanding of the behavior of matter and the interaction of light with matter opens new possibilities across disciplines.

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Medical and Life Sciences

From imaging and diagnostics to tissue ablation, scientific experiments and research can lead to breakthroughs that save lives through earlier detection and less invasive treatments

Electronic Chip

Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Research


Emission spectroscopy of long cylindrical laser spark with additional coaxial excitation, using Sapphire Pulse Generator with Bluetooth used for synchronizing two lasers


Plasma and flow induced by single- and dual-pulse laser-induced breakdown in stationary air Pulse Generator: 9528


Influence of laser wavelength and laser energy on depth profiling of easel painting samples. Pulse Generator: 9520


High-Precision Multiphoton Ionization of Accelerated Laser-Ablated Species. Pulse Generator: 9528


Two Nd:YAG lasers were externally triggered by a pulse delay generator for adjusting delays between LIBS laser and dye laser Pulse Generator: 9520


Fast and ultrasensitive detection of toxic heavy metals in water by (LIBS-LIF) technique with teh use of the Pulse Generator: 9524


Sensitive Analysis of Copper in Water by LIBS–LIF Assisted by Simple Sample Pretreatment Pulse Generator: 9524


Surface elemental microanalysis with submicron lateral resolution by the laser ablation laser-induced fluorescence technique (LA-LIF)  Pulse Generator: 9524


Surface elemental microanalysis with submicron lateral resolution by the LA-LIF. Pulse Generator: 9524


Triggered parallel discharge and studies on its analytical performance for aluminum and brass samples. Pulse Generator: 9524


Quantum Physics & Laser Physics Research



Experimental Study on Breakdown Time Delay of Hundreds of Nanoseconds Pulse Under Different du/dt for mm Gaps. Pulse Generator: 9528



Pulse amplification in a Cr4+:forsterite single longitudinal mode (SLM) multi-pass amplifier. Pulse Generator: 9528



(FLEET) high-precision timing and synchronization between the laser and the intensified camera required for tagging. Pulse Generator: 9520



Deterministic integration of single nitrogen-vacancy centers into nanopatch antennas. Pulse Generator: 9520  


Industrial and Aerospace Research


The impact of residence time on ignitability and time to ignition in a toroidal jet-stirred reactor. Pulse Generator: 9520  


Low-temperature synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Titan’s surface ices and on airless bodies. Pulse Generator: 9518  


A Photoionization Reflectron Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometric Study on the Formation of Acetic Acid in Interstellar Analog Ices Pulse Generator: 9518   


Metal-coated plastics recycling by removing metal using pulsed electric discharge. Pulse Generator: 9520  


High Precision 3D Imaging for Inspection--Engineered point spread function (E-PSF)  for improved object and feature inspection. Pulse Generator: 9200  


Medical & Life Sciences Research

Medical Imaging

Synchronized laser excitation with Adjustable photoacoustic tomography probe to improve light delivery and image quality. Pulse Generator: 9200 

Medical Imaging

Controllable Nucleation of Cavitation from Plasmonic Gold Nanoparticles for Enhancing High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Applications Pulse Generator: 9524

Life Sciences

Investigation of frequency response of pockels cells based on beta barium borate crystals Pulse Generator: 9530

Life Sciences

Fiber-based dual-focus time-demultiplexed second harmonic generation microscopy Pulse Generator: 9528

Life Sciences

Free-space quantum key distribution with a high generation rate potassium titanyl phosphate waveguide photon-pair source. Pulse Generator: 9520

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